Bikram Yoga - A Brief Presentation and History

>> Sunday, April 8, 2012

By Bob Bly

The Bikram yoga studios, established by Bikram Choudhury, are hot yoga schools, literally. By utilizing his knowledge with Indian culture and Hindu philosophy, he has made a portfolio containing various challenging postures that reach up to 26 and two breathing exercises. Importantly, these motions or also called asana, are all done in a heated room where it is kept at 40 degrees Celsius. The heat in the room is essential to the Bikram technique because it helps the body perspire and naturally cleanse itself of toxins.

Why It Was Made

The portfolio is made to enhance physical, mental and spiritual health, in spite the great deal of stress that comes with the busy modern life. For those who follow yoga, it is described as a system of meditation and spiritual learning that aims in gaining better control of the mind. For Choudhury and many others, it is mainly a framework for better health and happiness through exercise.

The Course

Learners of all levels perform together, processing as deep and hard as far as their capacities allow. Unifying the skillfulness level of learners enhances class diversity. This adds to student interaction which encourages learning and fun. The directions given at the studio is literally a hot method because of the hot temperature inside the room all year-round.


Many learners favor of having their own personal mats which should be at least 6mm thick. A great number of water bottles (1.5L or more) and a thick towel are brought too. The classes reach a full 90 minutes in duration. Usually, both experienced and starters, experience some dizziness. At that very moment, learners are urged to hydrate and take a rest spell but should remain in the room.

The Founder

Choudhury is a native Indian. India is the place where Hindu art was born. Choudhury started practicing the art when he was at age three. He became a child wonder, being the youngest ever Indian Yoga champion. Other than Yoga, he was also a potentially Olympic weight lifting competitor until an accident severely injured his knee. Although it was a waste, Choudhury used it as a chance to center his energy to yoga.

Short History

There are, of course, many separate versions of the ancient art. These include Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Bhakti (the path of devotion), Karma (the path of action), Raja (the path of meditation) as well as Jnana (the path of knowledge). Although the Bikram hot method is an original portfolio of movements and stances, it is largely modeled on the Hatha version. All versions are ultimately based on ancient Hindu philosophies.

Although Hindu philosophies have been practiced for centuries in India, the subcontinent and wider Asia, it is a relatively new discipline for western cultures. The Hindu philosophy was introduced to the USA and Europe during the late 19th century when Swami Vivekananda traveled through those areas to explain the benefits of the technique.

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