Frequently Asked Questions On Yoga stretches

>> Sunday, February 19, 2012

By Paul Adams

Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time as well as over that period different practitioners have added their very own refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline. There are many different styles now it is nearly impossible to count, however they all stem from the same core philosophy and methodology. Unfortunately the multiple different styles often lead newcomers on the exercise discipline to become very confused in regards to what they are doing and what they can desire to achieve with Yoga. In the following paragraphs we answer some of the common questions.

What exactly is Yoga?

This question is the most common from newcomers. Most people have a general idea but they are not sure where Yoga fits into the entire world. Is it an exercise? Is it a philosophy? Can it be a form of physical therapy? Is it a spiritual process? The solution is that to different people Yoga is of these things. At it's core it is just a group of exercises and poses which are very low impact and work by strengthening our bodies and increasing it's flexibility through static exercise. Because of this each pose will 'stretch' a certain area and the body benefits from this stretch by increased blood flow and energy release. Many of the exercises release tension from parts of the body that regular activities usually do not cater to. Because Yoga is performed slowly and with a strong concentrate on correct breathing patterns additionally there is a strong mental and spiritual element for the exercise. It is seen as a strategy for cleansing mind, body and spirit.

Should i Be Religious To Get The Most from Yoga?

As mentioned above Yoga differs things to different people. There are many people the world who perform Yoga purely for it's spiritual benefits. There are many others who perform Yoga purely to the physical benefits associated with it. What you get out of Yoga will depend largely on the mindset, your openness to new ideas and your ability to let yourself fall fully in a meditative state. For some people this is difficult at first, but that is still not planning to prevent them from receiving the physical benefits associated with Yoga classes. You will see that even if you do not have any strong spiritual base you still benefit from an increase in your self-confidence and private contentment.

Where Can I Do Yoga?

Practically anywhere. Many people practice Yoga inside their homes every day. Others goes to the local park and use Yoga with a group of friends. To start with it's a good idea to inquire at the local gym about Yoga classes, many will be holding Yoga every single day. Even if they aren't they will be capable to tell you where the best place to understand Yoga is. Some local councils sponsor Yoga classes inside their area in recognition with the benefits to people who exercise regularly. One of several big advantages of a Yoga based exercise regime is that there is no expensive equipment to purchase and then store around your property. Some poses are assisted by cushions to guide the body, but in general one and only thing you need is your body.

I'm not really Very Fit - Is Yoga Personally?

Yes. Very much so. One of several fantastic things about Yoga is the exercises and poses you will see can be adjusted to your level. Fitness isn't commonly a problem because the exercises are slow and quite often static, but your body can be better at performing them as time passes as your strength and flexibility improves. Knowing your limit and making certain you don't 'ease up' out of habit gain the very best benefit.

Hopefully you will now have a good understanding of what yoga is and why you should be doing it. Remember that Yoga is one area that once learned can be practiced anywhere you prefer and as often as you like. Indeed, this can be one of the key components of Yoga's popularity.

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Yoga Can Cure Asthma

>> Thursday, February 16, 2012

By Harry Barber

Yoga has helped in curing and preventing many diseases. Every pose, every asana, every fundamental tenet of yoga works towards revitalizing organs and curing myriad illnesses. Asthma is a very common problem. It is a chronic lung disease whose symptoms mainly include a difficulty in breathing. It is prevalent even among children, starting from a very young age. People who suffer asthma cough and wheeze and walk around with their lungs feeling heavy and congested. Asthma attacks can potentially be fatal due to a lack of oxygen. Fortunately, you have a powerful weapon in the form of yoga asanas.

Yoga betters your asthma condition due to the free flow of air. By continuously practicing yoga you can leave your medications at bay. More yoga practice, simply put, means less asthma attacks. Breathing exercises in yoga can help introduce fresh air to your lungs.

In order to open up your chest area and improve the overall condition of the heart and lungs, back bending in yoga can help. As you open your chest or do upper back bends in yoga practice, this would make the exhalation process more productive during an attack. Forward bends and lower back bending poses help in inhaling, during the attack. Mucus can be removed by inverted postures.

Through the use of controlled breathing, pranayma can help you avoid asthma attacks better than most other techniques. The experts agree as pranayma can deal with many of the antecedent asthma attack triggers. Dirga prananyama is an exercise in slow, measured breathing, a versatile asana that serves many purposes. Nadi Sodhana is an exercise that can help one combat internal tumult, stress and anxiety.

Asthma triggered by cold can be helped by Ujjayi pranayama. Allergic trigger patterns can be avoided by Sitt Kari or Shitali pranayama. Mucus build-up can be lessened significantly by Kapalbhatti pranayama.

In order to strengthen the lungs and relax its muscles, the aforementioned exercises can be a great help. They are especially helpful during an actual asthma attack. It reduces the nerve activity in the airways causing fewer bottlenecks during the attack. Airways are more than just cleaned, they are cleansed. Hence, breathing becomes easier and autonomous nervous systems are stabilized.

Pranayama if practiced regularly can do lot of difference to your health. This would help you to have asthma free life. It is advised that you use props while practicing these asanas for better results. Breathing acts as an ameliorating factor for the bronchial passages and helps keep out any extrinsic allergy triggers. Experts have said that one long, drawn-out exhalation can help relax the body and mind.

A Concise Listing of Asanas that Could Help Eradicate or Minimize the Effects of Asthma

Dandasana Baddhakonasana Upavista Konasana Virasana Supta Baddhakonasana Supta Virasana Setubandha Sarvangasana Adhomukha Svanasana Uttanasana Tadasana Samasthithi

Disclaimer. Ms. Tallulah Sharp, of legal age and a resident of Oceanside, California, USA, referred to as the Writer hereafter, absolves herself of any legal responsibility as a result of the consumer, referred to as the Reader hereafter, failing to exercise due diligence while practicing the above mentioned asanas. The Reader must consult a licensed medical professional and yoga instructor before practicing any of the asanas discussed thereof by the Writer. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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Considering Yoga Pilates Class

>> Tuesday, February 14, 2012

By Jill Hagelsteiner

Are you looking for a way to get in shape? You might want to consider a yoga pilates class. This type of class is a blend of two very efficient methods for increasing health and well being.

For those seeking to integrate the spiritual with their workout routine, yoga pilates class might be the perfect activity. You don?t have to have any experience to get started. Some studios have ongoing classes and you can join at any time. Others have six or eight week sessions. You should be able to catch a new session and get started learning a new exercise routine in no time. Many people are gravitating toward this exciting new way of working out. It provides a satisfying and effective way to be healthy.

North America is a prime area for yoga pilates class. This is likely due to the fact that pilates originated there, and also because yoga is becoming much more common in North America. Both disciplines are possible for anyone to learn. No matter your body type or age, both yoga and pilates are ideal activities.

Pilates and Yoga: The Perfect Union

Yoga is a very old discipline that began in India. The yoga postures used in yoga pilates class are part of a broad philosophical system. Yoga postures were developed to train the mind and strengthen the body. Through consistent practice of yoga postures, the human body becomes not only much stronger, but also very flexible. This increase in strength and flexibility leads to a longer, healthier life. Old and young alike see benefits from yoga. One great thing about yoga postures, is that no matter your particular ability, each posture can offer just the right challenge.

Yoga pilates class integrates all the benefits of yoga with those of pilates. Pilates is a system developed by Joseph Pilates, a German who emigrated to America and set up a studio in New York. Pilates was designed to efficiently improve the overall balance and alignment of the body while exercising. Pilates works the core muscles, which are integral to good posture. Pilates also provides the body with an intense physical workout that keeps a person fit and energized. Yoga pilates class is really a perfect blend. Taken together, yoga and pilates form what might be the most well-rounded workout for getting healthy and staying healthy. It allows a person to not only become physically fit, but also improve concentration and mental health.

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