Yoga and Meditation

>> Thursday, August 4, 2011

By Joseph Shapal

Do you love to exercise? Would you like to be introduced to mind relaxing therapy and exercise? Yoga Meditation is renown for the science and art of the observing, comprehending, taking the different degrees of being, so that we all can combine and balance our perspectives in life. It can help us step back and contemplate our own experience of life.

Find below some golden nuggets of information in regards to introducing you to Yoga Meditation :

Relaxing Your Body Yoga Meditation In order to relax the body, the corpse posture can be used, which combines relaxing and tensing of the muscles, 61 points, to get full relaxation, or even the yogic sleep commonly known as yoga nidra. When you want to achieve holistic relaxation, it is best to keep doing this exercise either in class or at home, or just by yourself The decision is completely yours when and how you wish to relax.

Using Comfortable Posture For Yoga You can find and discover many postures for Yoga Meditation that include: Auspicious pose, accomplished pose, accomplished pose and easy pose. It may take years to achieve refinement on these postures, yet "practice makes perfect". When you want to master the art of meditation, you can begin with the friendship pose; begin by sitting straight in a chair and make sure that the head, the neck and the trunk are all aligned.

Making the breathing process calm When it comes to training yourself to breath for Yoga Meditation, is starts with the awareness of doing it. At first, you will learn how to observe the quality of your breath if there's a pause for a second, jerks, short or quick breathing in. Gradually, the breathing will become more noticed and improve and you can learn the calm of your breath breathing in terms of the diaphragm, alternate nostril breathing, two to one breathing and other powerful breathing exercises/practices.

Witness Everything in Your Mind Don't just delete all thinking patterns of your mind, learning to become a neutral witness is one sure way of obtaining a quiet and peaceful mind . This does not mean that you will suppress your thoughts or emotions. Rather, it helps you develop the skill to let go and will allow all natural progressions of thinking, without any interruption and remain focused on the stream yourself.

Inspecting the quality of your thoughts In order to distinguish which thoughts to be eliminated, you have to get to the goal of a skill known as inspection. Once you master this skill, you will be free from the unconscious control of thought patterns.

So, on deciding to begin your yoga meditation, it is best to learn these skills. Why is this important? To be honest, this is the only way you can achieve and go through the true heart and soul of yoga meditation.

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