Basic Yoga Guide for Novices

>> Monday, July 4, 2011

By Marty Don

If you are among those individuals who desire a healthy life devoid of any strain and stress, you ought to start your day with basic yoga. This form of exercise is a means to transform your life by reducing your stress level and energizing your body and soul. Unlike any other activity that you may have probably done before, you want to research more about it before you sign up. So, what are some yoga tips that you should know before you begin?

First and foremost, conduct some research on basic yoga. The greatest way to do this is by searching on the web. There are numerous different programs to pick from, with many designed for particular ages, experience levels and a lot more. Know the basics of this practice. The physical practice of yoga, called hatha, consists of three components. The warm-up exercises, called jattis, are simple movements used to loosen the body and lets the body to move safely and efficiently into the various body positions and through other physical practices. Other yoga components are the contents or practice and the relaxation.

Learning the basic yoga takes time, diligence, and patience. To those people who don't know, Yoga is NOT an activity of physical fitness. Instead, it's a science of personal improvement which comforts you with the basic questions in life, humanity and the Universe. It helps you to move closer to your inner world and expose the secret forces of nature, giving you the knowledge of truth in the end.


Yoga practices that create strong fields of energy usually cause individuals to go through purification reactions. These can develop repulsive feelings including nausea, dizziness, and tremors in the body. However, these reactions could be prevented or lessened through proceeding regularly through the yoga practices and not jumping ahead to more sophisticated techniques which you may not be ready physically and mentally. If you are practicing alone, only practice with techniques in which you've been correctly directed. You must practice within your comfort zone and level of experience.

Life is full of new experiences you could enjoy, and while they are exciting, they can also be a source of stress. Learn basic yoga today to reduce your stress and anxiety and let yourself cherish life.

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