The Juxtaposition Of Yoga And Breath

>> Wednesday, July 13, 2011

By Frank Woods

Your yoga practice and the way you breathe are intertwined. You won't fully experience the benefits of yoga without first learning how to breathe properly.

When it comes to breathing in yoga, there are no absolute right or wrong answers, actually - this is because there are different variations of yoga and likewise, different types of breathing. Here's an example - let us say you are aiming to be fully relaxed through yoga, you would then need to let your breathing reflect this state. Such breathing technique would require long, deep breaths that would allow you to relax into your yoga pose and reduce your heart rate to a steady, easy pace. Here are a few tips:

The diaphragm is not just where you sing from - it is also where your breath comes from in both yoga and life in general. When you breathe in, your stomach puffs slightly because your diaphragm is filling with air. And as you breathe out, your diaphragm releases all the air and causes your stomach to grow flatter. That said, you have to make sure that when breathing, your stomach is moving, with nothing causing the movement to halt, or become stiff.

To get that relaxing breath in yoga and experience its benefits, every single muscle in your face down to your chest must be relaxed - yes, including your jaw as well. If you are having trouble doing this, clench any one of these body parts then totally let it go. Chances are you won't realize your muscles are stiff until you make that clenching gesture.

Keep your breaths smooth and easy during your yoga practice. Everyone breathes at their own natural rate, but becoming conscious of your breath does not mean controlling it in any way. It's all about noticing your breath in such a way that your patterns become more natural.

Breathing faster, in and out, is a natural reaction to stress or excitement. It stands to reason then, that relaxing breath in yoga should accentuate the exhalation. Breathe in naturally and make sure that your exhalation is longer than your inhalation and fully empty your diaphragm and lungs of air.

For even more relaxation, you may want to pause in between breaths. Just take your time and stay relaxed.

When you breathe, imagine the oxygen entering your lungs and think of it as a tincture that passes through each pore of your body, providing relaxation. Your whole body deserves every benefit of the relaxing breath in yoga.

Yoga practice can be adapted to help you live a more peaceful and stress-free life, so it is important to learn how to use the proper breathing methods.

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